1. Water Heater & Furnace Flue Pipe
Devices which burn natural gas, such as your furnace and water heater, produce harmful gases which must be vented away to the chimney by the flue pipes. A quick exterior visual inspection of your home’s flue pipes will make sure that there are no obvious visible problems with these most critical safety components. Plumbers realize that a basic inspection will not reveal problems with the insides of the flue pipes or chimney.
2. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detectors
It is 'mission critical' that your home is protected by working CO detectors. Carbon Monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced when natural gas in your furnace and water heater is burned off. There are many things that can prevent gases from exiting properly, and for this reason CO detectors are imperative. Should a problem occur, CO detectors can warn you and your family (much like a smoke detector) before harm is done.
3. Approved Appliance Gas Connectors
In some older homes, flexible appliance gas plumbing connectors (gas stove, dryer, oven) may not meet current safety standards. Old connectors can break, allowing a dangerous gas leak to occur. Inspecting gas connectors visually can verify if they are the approved, modern type.
4. Operable Main Water Shutoff Valve
In the event of a water related emergency, it is extremely important that the main water supply can be quickly shut off where it enters the house. The ability to shut off water quickly can mean the difference between an inconvenience and a plumbing catastrophe. It is important to locate and tag your main valve, and check to be sure you are able to operate it yourself. If not, look into turn ball valves, which are not only easier to operate than old-fashioned valves, it's simple to tell if the valve is open or closed by looking at the handle.
5. Braided Stainless Steel Washing Machine Hoses
Few people , but most plumbers, realize that one of the most common causes of property-damage related insurance claims is a failed washing machine supply hose. These unassuming devices are usually hidden in the dark recesses behind our laundry machines, and are seldom if ever thought about until they fail. Stainless steel washing machine water supply hoses are the type recommended by insurance companies, and will minimize the chances of this common problem happening to you.